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Keiki Health

Traditionally, children are treated with great care in Hawaiian culture.  From a very young age, they are observed for special talents and are encouraged to become well-rounded, capable members of the society.  They are also encouraged to have fun, and to play together for good health and character-building.  Healthy pastimes such as swimming, mud-sliding, collecting ocean and mountain foods, and helping the `ohana are traditional components of fun, wellness and positive social interaction.  Through these activities, and their interactions with multiple generations, keiki learn to be an integral part of the `āina they care for, their `ohana, and their community.


Kokua and Information:

Tūtū and Me Travelling Preschool

Pūlama I Nā Keiki Project

Alu Like program to kōkua mothers and fathers of Native Hawaiian children to prepare
their keiki for future educational success.

Native Hawaiian Summer School Assistance Program

Nā Pono No Nā ‘Ohana

A comprehensive family education program located at Blanche Pope Elementary School in Waimanalo where the family comes to school to learn together.
Phone: (808) 259-0243

Hawai`i Mothers Milk Inc.
Breastfeeding support and Information 


First Steps Preschool Support Coaching

KIPC - Keiki Injury Prevention Coalition
A community-based organization that prevents and reduces injuries to the children of Hawaii; lots of information on various injury prevention topics.

Healthy activity ideas (free or cheap), including cultural options:

Native Hawaiian Library

The library offers library resources for adults and children. Our collections include basic references and reading material, a Native Hawaiian research collection, and a unique collection of quilt patterns.

More Health Stuff for Keiki:



For emergencies, CALL 911 NOW.


Other Help:


Poison Control

1 (800) 222-1222


Ocean Safety:

Beach Conditions

and safety info


Box Jellyfish & Portuguese Man-of-War Info Calendar, facts


Jellyfish First Aid


Sewage Spill Warnings

Other Health Info:

Impetigo Info


Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease

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