Ola Kanaka
Consciously, I think man has become closer to the beginnings – where he is actually from; what this God thing is all about. So he can keep growing, spiraling into a higher consciousness and awareness of the supreme – get to that higher level, develop as humans. That is where we need to be – one happy family, have fun, play music... it is just that to get there, there are some things that need to be dealt with on the way.
We all have our individual ways of solving our problems. However, there have been some wise guys from the past who have influenced the thoughts and consciousness of people throughout the centuries. People like Mohammed, Buddha, Jesus. These people have said primarily the same things. One of the things they have said is that the thing you like, you have to give it. If you want a friend, you have to be a friend. If you need cash, you gotta give some. You only gonna get what you give. So if you get one plan, and you know what you want, all you gotta do is give that! So if you want health, well, you have to investigate.
What is good health? For some, it comes through good thinking. So if your thought pattern is compatible to the forces of the universe, that creates a passion that brings on not only a healthy mindset, but a healthy physical set as well. The trip is how to take the laws of the universe and apply them to your daily life, so that you can become healthy, so that you can give unto others what you would want them to give unto you.
No matter what you want, give it. And understand that we are giving all the time!
Whatever we think, we put into the ether, it goes to work inside the ether and it provides something. This huge intelligence...what these people are going up to the mountain for, to look in the telescope to find the beginnings of life, their own teachers tell them, “behold! It’s within!” Don’t look outside, look inside.
Truth is key. You know, nobody likes to deal with confrontation; most of the time, we try to avoid confrontation. But if you comply with the wishes of someone who is in your home illegally, when they come inside your house and tell you, “eh, go cook me dinner, fix my bed”, and if they take your house on top of that, it is not a sign of real health to go along with them and be happy.
History wasn’t really taught at all until the 1980’s. It still hasn’t locked into place – that’s another challenge.
Let me tell you my own story. I was a lost soul until I became involved in the movement. I didn’t get involved until I was evicted from a rubbish dump.
Now, when I went to this rubbish dump I just went and cleaned up some spot, made my house on the ocean where all that rubbish is behind me. 1970 to 1980. We were content. I was able to eat all the lobster I could eat, crab, squid, all different fishes, limu – all that. Not knowing history, all of us just enjoying life for ten years.
I had to pass through all this rubbish to get to my small place by the ocean – and the State decided to evict me and another 100 people from this land, because we cleaned up the rubbish that the State had brought in, and made our homes along the coast, at Sand Island.
Then the State comes to Sand Island and says, because we made nice, “No can. Go live in the city, be part of the system”. It evicts us from this rubbish dump because we had made it nice, and because were taking care of ourselves. We didn’t like that.
So, for the first time in my life, I confronted the government.
Now, I was a Kamehameha Schools graduate; a first class American. I had passed the Kamehameha Schools test – I’d been given the rubber stamp that showed I had been trained, ready to go anywhere in the world and use those guns, and had the understanding that they would make me the leader, because I can show others, faster, how to kill somebody.
I used to cry, sing their songs, feel so patriotic. I was brought up with the idea that I lived in a great country. If I was arrested, I believed that all I gotta do is take it to the judge, I will have my day in court, and the truth will win.
And then I was arrested.
That was the beginning. The beginning of my commitment. When I found out that I didn’t know my history – that changed a lot. Then I met Hayden B., who was willing to take us on as a lawyer, but only if we gave up our American citizenship. I had to really think about that! Hayden gave me the Queen’s story. It took me awhile, because I was a lousy reader. But after I read her story, I began changing.
For a while, as part of that change, I became really angry, which wasn’t too healthy. It’s okay to have controlled anger, but when you start hating, then it becomes very dangerous for your own health.
If we want to talk health, we want to talk love, we want to talk peace – we want to get that into the consciousness of all our self, and everybody else. You cannot embrace hate. The only way to get rid of that is to embrace love. Love brings good health. Hate brings total disaster – it just crumbles you.
Being in the movement, and knowing the value of my stance as someone to make a difference, somebody to educate, to teach our history – that’s what came inside me, a knowing that “I gotta do this”.
Remember -- that intelligence, it is within everything. We are in a relationship between the Creator, or Creators, and ourselves. Some people think that it is an accident. But we know better.
There is a process put in place called prayer. With prayer, you get all the minds together in one thought and boom! You thow them in the ether. There, in the ether, it mixes up and then it comes out – whatever was put into it. And we’re doing this constantly, feeding the ether constantly – never stop, even when we sleep. That ether that I speak of is the very thing that provides for us. Be it love, or be it hate.
You put in there what you get out.
So I put a prayer forward, asking for help – to educate myself, and the Hawaiian people, and the children, I needed a way to do it “en masse”. Not only one person, but the whole world needed to get what I was going to put together. I thought about video. But the video machine was expensive, and I didn’t have the cash -- what else is new? All I needed was the camera and the people who knew how to run it. So, I called on that supreme intelligence that is in and through all things. As you think your thoughts into this ether, it has a tendency to take form; if you do that with passion, it has a tendency of developing sooner.
Well, I said, I need a woman, and I need to be able to do video – and I need it as soon as possible. In two weeks, Joan appeared. And we have been together almost 30 years now!
We are doing the work that is necessary to educate the people. When the guy come and kick you, you get pissed off and you want to kick back, right? But you really want to find out why he went kick you, and if there’s a way to convince him that maybe he did the wrong thing, and that he has to pay back because he did the wrong thing. But if he doesn’t know that he did the wrong thing, and YOU know he did the wong thing, well then, it’s up to you to at least make an effort to teach him – and if not him, then his children, and his grandchildren. Which is where we went. We took the materials to the classrooms, to the children, to make the changes.
We have a plan – to educate those who have come here as Americans, those Hawaiians who have become Americans – educate everyone. Bring truth back into the picture, for their own sake – so their children and their grandchildren can have a better life, with a clear conscience. They have to deal with it and return the stolen goods, from the East Coast to the West Coast, for their own health!
Many people who are not involved in making things pono miss the opportunity to become involved in another level of humanness. And being fully human is what health is about.
When something is wrong and you know it, you must act on it in order to be healthy. For instance, if there is a fight between two people, your instinct is to want to get in and correct the situation. If you don’t get involved, even if you are hidden away in a house, you are still affected. Now here you are – they are taking the water, putting telescopes on the mountain, and it is not for the benefit of the people. Even if you are not directly involved, you are very much affected. Your health is affected.
And if people come into your life and dictate what you are supposed to be doing, and you don’t have the opporunity to live your life the way you feel it is suposed to be lived, health suffers. Our belief system as Hawaiiians has been affected by America’s removal of our authority to take care of ourselves. This affects our health. Even when it looks like help, it can be genocide, because our choice to be ourselves has been taken away.
Therefore, the way to be healthy is to beat the bully, to organize. Get together. Do something about it. That is the plan – to get healthier by asserting these things that come from our nā`au, that goes back to the beginning of time, so that we can become fearless in our behavior of what is pono. You know, it’s not easy to have to stand up to the system that we face. We have to stand up to the bully and his attitudes – and that bully can be anybody. This is why activism, taking a stand, is healthy on many levels.
You do this these things to preserve your health so that you can fight another day. I know – I have some mean scars!
Good habits are important, too. When you are not at your best and you want to get there, you do a reconnaisance of what you’ve got. You find out what the problems are, and then you make a plan to solve the problems. Take care of what you’ve got to take care of, health first.
To have a healthy community has always eluded us, because of our past; because we have suffered, because of the impact since Cook arrived and brought all those germs.
The health situation today is a result of what happened over 200 years ago, with the introduction of germ warfare – deliberate wiping out of 90% of the people, as recorded in their logs. When it takes nine people out of your family of ten, and you are the only one left, it’s hard. Those of us that we see today are of the 10% who survived.
We need to understand this – that is why we are teaching it through our videos. The contiunuum of Kanaka from before Cook’s arrival was disrupted, and for many years we have been focused on survival. When you have that happen to you and you are playing catch-up, that’s when this whole process of defending one’s culture, one’s self, one’s life, one’s identity – that whole line that takes us back to where we come from and who we are -- becomes our challenge.
Remember, all those diseases wen take nine, but they nevah take ten. We are that ten. We are finally coming around, starting to be more aware of what happened in the past in order to build a better understanding of who we are, who we were, and where we want to go.
We are the real people of Hawai`i. We are of this land. Nobody can really say that except us – and we need to say it loud and clear: this is our home, and to make it a better home for you folks who come here and make this your home, you have to support us and join in with us, an be part of this healing process that not only heals us, but also heals you. Those who have come here to genocide us, we are here to help you – to help yourself.
Our goal is for a healthier world. In order to do that, we must keep our eye on the prize. That prize is to control our home.
Part of health is the truth. America is here illegally. They have not taken it into the classrooms; we have. We taught ourselves about our history. America taught us George Washington. Thomas Jefferson. The Bill of Rights. And wrongs. Lies. Corruption.
What it all comes to is, we are being bullied. In the past, when we had leaders who bullied, we dealt with them. If we cannot do that as a people now, we cannot be healthy, because we are not living the truth. We need to call – we call on those who have come before us; we call on those who are here; we call on all the spirits to give us the strength to do what has to be done. And what has to be done is to put our people back where they are supposed to be, and help the rest of the world to find out what love and peace is all about.
We need to be able to love each other, to be given the right to fight amongst ourselves. And we need to give ourselves a way to heal.
We ain’t going noplace, and nobody can stop us. The sooner we can get our home back how it should be, get rid of the military, get rid of all that rubbish they bringing in, the better Hawai`i will be, not just for Hawaiians, but for everybody. The world.
No matter what happens, we will be here. We were here long before there was America, long before there was an England, and we will continue to be here, like we are now.