Ola Kanaka
Hawaii Health Data Warehouse - DOH clearinghouse for statistical data on health issues in Hawaiʻi. You can build your own report or use many of their other useful data tools.
Papa Ola Lōkahi Census Information Center
collects and shares census data specific to Native Hawaiians
OHA Native Hawaiian Health Fact Sheet (2015)
Social Determinants of Health
• Affordable Housing Rental Needs of Native Hawaiians, 2015
Derrickson J.D. (2015), Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Research Division, Special Projects
Research on Indigenous elders: From positivistic to decolonizing methodologies. Braun KL1, Browne CV, Ka'opua LS, Kim BJ, Mokuau N. Gerontologist. (2014 Feb); 54(1):117-26. Hā Kupuna. PubMed.
from around the web:
Hot Data
Research and Data
For more intensive research, try one of the following:
JABSOM Department of Native Hawaiian Health
Native Hawaiian Library (Alu Like - Nanakuli, Miloli'i, Moloka'i)
Cite that, you say?
Here are an array of health research resources pertaining to Kanaka Maoli health. The focus here is on community research for projects such as community reports, advocacy, etc.
(how culture, economics, relationship to land, etc. affects our health - with models and references)
(Lots of statistics and graphics)
Aloha ʻĀina
Article (2015) by Sharde Freitas, MPH, JD about health issues related to Mauna Kea protection.
“The Impact of the Military Presence in Hawai’i on the Health of Na Kānaka Maoli “, by Kalamaoka‘aina Niheu, MD, Laurel Mei Turbin, MPH, Seiji Yamada, MD, MPH, Developing Human Resources For Health in the Pacific Vol 14. No 1. 2007. Examines land takeover issues as an indigenous health problem.
Hawaiian Healers & Healing:
Random Stuff that Might Be Helpful:
Paoakalani Declaration (Kanaka Maoli Intellectual Property Rights, 2005)
Timeline of Hawaiian Health Events (Papa Ola Lōkahi)
More Useful Data Links:
U.S. Census Bureau: http://www.census.gov/
DBEDT, State Data Center: www.census.hawaii.gov
2014 State Data Book: http://dbedt.hawaii.gov/economic/databook/
Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Native Hawaiian Data Book: http://www.ohadatabook.com/DB2013.html
Department of Health: http://health.hawaii.gov/
Hawaii Health Data Warehouse: http://hhdw.org/
University of Hawaii-Mānoa, Center on the Family: http://uhfamily.hawaii.edu/cof_data/home.aspx
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention: http://www.cdc.gov/
Hawaii Health Connector: http://www.hawaiihealthconnector.com/
Department of Native Hawaiian Health, UH Mānoa: http://jabsom.hawaii.edu/departments/dnhh/
Center for Native and Pacific Health Disparities and Research, University of Hawaii-Mānoa: http://www2.jabsom.hawaii.edu/native/index.htm