Ola Kanaka
Note: portions do not need to be exact.
1/2 cup yogurt
1/2 small papaya (or 1/2 cup)
1 frozen or fresh banana
1/2 cup kalo or poi
Fresh honey (to taste)
3/4 cup ice cubes
Add ingredients to blender in order listed. Blend till smooth. Adjust to taste.
This power smoothie provides good nutrition, digestive enzymes, beneficial bacteria and other good stuff.
Try adding some of the following:
Fresh Ginger (chopped, without skin)
Berries (blueberries, etc.)
Acai (freezer packs from supermarket)
Greens (kale, parsley, popolo, etc.)
Fresh Coconut (or coconut milk)
The possibilities are endless!
BTW, here is a big list of smoothies specifically to boost senior nutrition. Enjoy!
Kūpuna Health
In Hawaiian culture, when a kupuna speaks, everyone quiets down completely, and just listens. Kupuna, more than anything else, are our source of kowledge, culture and wisdom. Culturally, they are our libraries, our historians, our teachers and our guides.
Keeping connections between kupuna and younger generations strong is an awesome challenge in our changing world -- but one that many have met wonderfully. Keeping kupuna strong, healthy and well-supported is also a challenge -- one that is crucial to the survival of our culture and the well-being of all our people.
“I ulu no ka lālā I ke kumu.”
The branches grow because of the trunk.
Without our kūpuna, we would not be here.
'Ōlelo Noeau, Mary Kawena Pukui
Resources for Caregivers
Honolulu City & County Elderly Affairs Division
Deciding What's Next - A Legal Handbook for Hawaiʻi's Older Persons, Families and Caregivers(PDF) University of Hawaiʻi Elder Law Program
Home-delivered meals for homebound seniors
1809 Bachelot Street
Honolulu, HI 96817
Center on Aging, University of Hawa`i at Manoa
Elderly Affairs Division Department of Community Services, City and County of Honolulu. 715 South King Street, Suite 200Honolulu, Hawaii 96813768-7705
Senior Helpline: 768-7700
State Unit on Aging State Executive Office on Aging
No. 1 Capitol District 250 S. Hotel St. Suite 406 Honolulu, HI 96813808-586-0100
Alzheimer's Disease Pamphlet (PDF) - National Institute on Aging
Kupuna Stories
Click Here
Senior Helplines Ask any senior-related question, such as where to find resources
Oahu: 768-7700
Kauaʻi: 241-4470
Maui 270-7774
Molokai 553-5241
Lanai 565-6818
Hilo: 961-8626
Kona: 323-4390
Services and Housing Options for Seniors (PDF) - Kokua Kalihi Valley
Lots of resources, information (eg fall prevention, identity theft protection), phone numbers to services, etc.
Kulanakauhale Maluhia o na Kupuna (Kupuna housing, Waimanalo) - PDF Brochure
Ke Ola Pono No Nā Kūpuna (Alu Like - Nutritional & supportive services)
Free UH System Classes - Free noncredit classes are available at UH Manoa or several UH campuses for those 60 and above. Learn a craft, language or academic study area, free! UH Hilo also gives free online computer classes for seniors. Similar online computer classes are available anywhere through seniornet.org
Advance Directive Form Kokua Mau
This is not just for end-of-life instructions, but any situation in which you cannot speak for yourself -- so others do not make decisions for you!
Caregiver Resources:
Molokaʻi & Lanaʻi: Kupuna Day Care (Nā Puʻuwai)
NA Caregivers Support Program (Alu Like)